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Heiken Color Indicator

Heiken Color is a simple indicator showing Heiken Ashi candles color, not in your chart but rather in a separate window.

The indicator is useful if you want to use Heiken Ashi indicator without changing your chart display.

Heiken Ashi can be used to filter signals or spot better entry after another indicator gave you a signal.

Heiken Color indicator has no inputs.

Heiken Color indicator can be used with any class of assets: Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos.

Heiken Color indicator can be used with any time frame.

Technical requirements:The use of our products requires following the minimum technical specifications for computer and operating system: laptop computer with processor intel i7, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10. For users of NinjaTrader 8 products, latest version of the trading platform is required. This is reponsibility of the user to follow the minimum requirements.