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Naked Forex Big Shadow Indicator (TradingView)


Big Shadow Indicator is a pattern recognition indicator for Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities, and Cryptos.

When you have a Big Shadow on your chart then this is a strong signal meaning that you might be ahead of a reversal. You can take other elements (momentum, trend, volatility, price action, fundamentals) to build a complete strategy and confirm your entries. Beware that you might not make money just following the arrows generated by the pattern recognition.

The Big Shadow pattern is a simple and effective pattern to trade.

The strategy that comes with the Big Shadow is based on price action.

Inputs of the indicator are:

  • MaxBars: number of bars back used to calculate the indicator
  • BuySignals (true/false): you can filter signals and decide to show BUY signals or not. Default settings is true (no filter).
  • SellSignals (true/false): you can filter signals and decide to show SELL signals or not. Default settings is true (no filter).

The alerts are managed by TradingView trading platform features and not by the indicator itself. You must use Big Shadow Sell less than zero and Big Shadow Buy greater than zero as settings for the alerts.

Example of BUY alerts settings : BUY example

Example of SELL alerts settings : SELL example

Beware that TradingView limits the number of alerts you can receive according to the plan you subscribed with the platform. If receiving alerts is important for you then you should investigate carefully this aspect before purchasing the indicator. Maybe Metatrader would be a better option to receive unlimited alerts.

Beware that alerts are managed by TradingView trading platform features and not by the indicator itself. We provide settings for alerts as a courtesy. If you have problems with alerts or need special settings then please contact TradingView support since alerting is not a feature managed by the indicator.

Trading rules:

  • For BUY: wait for a bullish Big Shadow to print on a support zone after a down trend. Wait for price to break high of the Big Shadow candle (5 pips above the high for H1 and higher time frames). Immediately enter in the trade once high is broken. You also can use a BUY STOP order placed 5 pips above the high of the candle (plus spread). Stop Loss should be placed below the low of the Big Shadow candle. If order is not triggered in the next candle then trade is invalidated and should be canceled.
  • For SELL: wait for a bearish Big Shadow to print on resistance zone after an up trend. Wait for price to break the low of the Big Shadow candle (5 pips below the low for H1 and higher time frames). Immediately enter in the trade once low is broken. You also can use a SELL STOP order place 5 pips below the low of the candle. Stop Loss should be placed above the high of the Big Shadow candle. If order is not triggered in the next candle then trade is invalidated and should be canceled.
The Big Shadow indicator can be used with any time frame.

The Big Shadow indicator can be used with any class of assets: Forex, Stocks, Indices, Futures, Commodities and Cryptos.

Other product:

You might also be interested in following product:

  • Kangaroo Tail Indicator (very good pattern which is part of the Naked Forex): More info

Technical requirements:The use of our products requires following the minimum technical specifications for computer and operating system: laptop computer with processor intel i7, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10. For users of NinjaTrader 8 products, latest version of the trading platform is required. This is reponsibility of the user to follow the minimum requirements.